Baobab Trees

Mammoth Baobab Tree in Delft
The mammoth Baobab
In Delft, there are a plenty of places which would attract you. The first thing is the Baobab Tree. The famous Baobab trees are commonly found in countries of Africa. The trees are also called as ‘Bottle trees’ because of their unique shape. And there is another reason, these trees can keep a large amount of water in their trunks. These trees gather water in rainy seasons and keep it safe and use them to survive in dry seasons. There are some few places in south Asia where you can find Baobab trees. Sri Lanka has two places to see baobab trees in Delft and Mannar. Baobab trees can be found in Delft east about 3km, southwest of the jetty. There are number of trees here, but among them there is a unique tree with the attraction of most visitors. This one is mammoth in size. The gigantic tree has a radius over 2m. Guess what, the gigantic tree has a whole in the trunk which can be easily used as a shelter for over 10 people. The Baobab trees has been proclaimed as heritage monuments by the Archaeology Department to preserve them. The place is little but of far away from the jetty, so it is better to use a cycle to ride to wherever you want. And cycling will give you a clear and fascinating view around the little island.


Freely Roaming Horses in Jaffna
roaming (wild)horses
Portuguese used the island as a fortress and other two westerns also did the same. They brought horses for their battles and other uses. That is the reason behind the population of horses.
After some decades they became wild horses.
By the way, British built some stables to keep their horses and now those stables are another significant destination in Delft. Horses are preserved by the government authorities and taking horses outside the island is banned. Therefore no one can hunt or torture the horses, they have been left free to roam throughout   Watching (wild)horses and visiting these archaeologic places will fill your day.

Dove Cage

Dove Cage in Jaffna
The Dove Cage
On the way to the beach, I had enough time to roam. While roaming here and there, I reached another archaeologic place in Jaffna. The place is known as ‘Dove cage’. The Dutch who hold the island for a long time used to communicate between other islands using pigeons. This tower was built as the nest of the pigeons. The tower is about 4m in height and was made with stones which can be easily gathered from the island. There is not any pigeon, but it would be a good shelter for those pigeons which were on duty.