About Me,

Hi and welcome you for my blog and I think my blog will feel you something. I use my simple nick name Bale that has come from my surname. Nothing to talk more about me. I am just a man from a very decent middle-class family. Having four siblings gave a kind of heart attack sometimes, but really an enjoyable childhood. From a lovely childhood to a miserable adult life...? Nah I won’t let it to be happen.

Since my childhood I always had a dream. Travelling. I have travelled America, Brazil, India, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Tanzania and almost every part of the earth in my dreams. Yeah! They were just dreams. But I will make it happen.

First step of my giant trip, I visited the northern part of my country, Sri Lanka. One of most famous travel destinations in world. My intention is not just travelling the destinations. I want to give a total experience of my travel. Foods, cultures as well as the fairy tales of the territory will be exposed in this blog. I think it will be enjoyable.

In my childhood, my grand mom told me a story about a frog. Once upon a time, there was a frog in a well. Since its birth, the frog had never been outside the well. The frog thought and was taught that the world is round. No, no, Pythagoras was not in the well. But the frogs in the well can see the world only through the well and according to the frogs in well, world means the well. The little frog was totally depressed by seeing the same well every day. ‘If someone make it to get out of the well, they will die’, yes that was the advice that the frog was given by the elder frogs. But One day, the little frog thought to get out of the well. He jumped, jumped jumped, jumped , ….. so may jumped, is it? After trying for a whole day, it was unable to get out of the well. The other frogs laughed at him, and someone advised him to stop the stupid work. But when the next day start, the frog began its jumping task. Likewise, after trying more than a week, in a evening, the little frog made it succeeded in getting out of the well. For a second it thought the life is finished. But then slowly, it realized that the world is not a small well and there are a lot to more to explore. Since then, the frog began its exploring. It jumped place by place every day. It started every day in a new place. Still now, the frog is travelling (jumping), all over the world. The exploring has not been stopped. By the way, in the end of the first date out of the well, the frog thought ‘Wow, life is so beautiful’.

Kind of long boring story… Anyhow, I don’t want to be a frog in a well. Looking the same persons, same places every day. Instead of that kind of life I would prefer to lead a travelling lifestyle. Different kind of people, different kind of foods, a thousand of fantastic landscapes and a life full of some colourful memories will boost me a satisfied life story. When I am counting my last moments, I would happy to die as a man who has been so many destinations around the world. That is all about me.

I am new to blogging and the blog is still developing. If you have any suggestions to improve the blog please put a comment.

Thank you for reading this long story. Hope you will definitely enjoy my blog. Have a nice day!