Traveling Guide for Jaffna

When you are visiting Jaffna, there are some tips which may be useful for you the days in the peninsula. I am here to give you some tips with my experience of the tour.

·        Renting a motorbike to roam the peninsula.

In Jaffna, public transport services are not in a good condition, Busses are too packed and with a big size of back, it is highly impossible to enjoy the journey. So it is better if you can rent a motorbike on a daily payment method. If you ask me for a car or jeep, it is ok too. But a motorbike travel has a unique fun. And it is easy to roam anywhere in the peninsula and there are some places which rent motorbikes.

·        Keep a sun cream with you

Before leaving your room or hotel, do not forget to apply some sun cream on your body parts. The sun is really hot in the peninsula and seeing a cloudy day is very rare. So, to keep your skin health, it is a must thing that you should do.

·        Drink liquids as much as you can

I have already mentioned that the climate is sunny, and it will raise your quench every time. So, the hot climate keeps you dehydrate, and it will cause you many health issues. So, drink more liquids as much as you can to avoid such health issues. There are so many restaurants around Jaffna, which offers you some tasty drinks.

·        Be safe with the water

It is better to beware of the danger boards. The sea is not calm in every place, Due to some climate changes it would be rough sometimes. So before getting into the water, take a careful look around the place after getting satisfied with the sea. Even some beaches have Jelly-fish issue too.

·        Beware of snakes

This would be bit scary fact. Yes, Jaffna has some poisonous snakes in the county. While walking in the beaches of jungles it is better to keep an eye on the floor carefully. Specially snakes come outside in the nighttime, and it is better to avoid such bites.

·        Avoid mosquito’s bite

Mosquitos are very common in this tropical country. There are so many deceases which are spreading by mosquitos such as Dengue fever, Malaria, etc. You can use a moisture when you are traveling outside in the evening to avoid such bites.  It would help you to keep you healthy.

·        Beware of looters

This is a common thing for travelers. Even I lost my camera recently. Looters are very clever than you think and in a quick moment they will loot everything you have. And it is better to keep your important documents such as Passport separately. It will avoid some unnecessary troubles.

Following above seven facts will give you a fantastic and safe tour in Jaffna Peninsula. Have a nice and safe journey!