Payasam is the most common dessert in Jaffna peninsula. The dessert is made with Sago seeds. Kind of white colour seeds. Simply this is a kind of porridge which is made by using sago, milk and sugar. This dessert is offered by many hotels in the Jaffna peninsula. So, let’s try another delicious Jaffna special recipe with me. It is time to have some Sago Payasam.

Sago Payasam


½ cup of Sago seeds

4 cups of milk

1 ½ cups of Sugar

12 tbsp of ghee

2 cardamoms

3 tbsp of Cashew

3 tbsp of raisins


Put the ghee into a pan and roast cashew. Once the cashew become golden brown keep aside and roast the raisins too in the same pan. After keeping aside both of them, put the sago seeds into the pan and roast for a few seconds till they turn light brown. Add the 1 cup of water and ½ cup of milk, cook on a low temperature till the sago becomes soft. Then add the rest of the milk into the pan. Keep it in the low temperature for some few minutes and when the mixture gets thickened put the sugar into the pan and stir well till it dissolves well. Stir well and make it to simmer. Finally add the roasted cashew, raisins and cardamom into the Payasam and stir well. Now you have the one of best dessert in the world and serve your fresh payasam warm or chilled. But keep in your mind that as the Payasam cools down, the payasam will become thicker. Add some milk before serving to avoid the high thickness.