Nestled amidst the lush green hills of Sri Lanka's Dry Zone, the Ritigala Mountain Monastery is a place of unparalleled natural beauty and spiritual significance. This ancient site, believed to date back over 2,000 years, is a must-visit for those seeking a deeper connection to the natural world and a sense of inner peace.

Ruins of Ritigala
Ruins of Ritigala

As you make your way up the winding trail to the top of the mountain, you'll be surrounded by towering trees and the gentle songs of birds. The hike is a peaceful journey, and as you ascend, you'll feel the weight of the world lifting from your shoulders. The stillness and serenity of the forest will transport you to another time and place, allowing you to escape the hustle and bustle of modern life and connect with your true self.

Ritigala Mountain Moastery
Ritigala Mountain Moastery

Upon reaching the top, you'll be greeted by the ruins of the ancient monastery, which has been abandoned for centuries. Despite its age, the site still exudes a powerful energy, and as you explore the temples, you'll be struck by their simple beauty. The carvings and sculptures, which have been carved into the stone over hundreds of years, are a testament to the skill and creativity of the ancient artisans who once lived and worked there.

Walking Path Made by Stones
Walking Path Made by Stones

One of the most intriguing aspects of the Ritigala Mountain Monastery is its association with Buddhism and Hinduism. Many believe that the site was once a center for spiritual studies, and that the ascetics who lived there were dedicated to the pursuit of inner peace and enlightenment. Today, visitors from around the world come to the site to meditate and contemplate, drawn by the peaceful surroundings and the sense of stillness that pervades the area.

The Whole Path is Made by Stone
The Whole Path is Made by Stone

Despite its peaceful surroundings, the Ritigala Mountain Monastery is not without its mysteries. The site has long been associated with folklore and legends, with many tales of strange occurrences and supernatural beings said to reside within the forest. Whether or not you believe in these stories, there's no denying the sense of otherworldliness that permeates the area.

Ruins of Ritigala

For those interested in archaeology and history, the Ritigala Mountain Monastery offers a wealth of fascinating insights into the past. The site is home to numerous ancient ruins, including temples, stupas, and monastic cells, which provide a glimpse into the lives of the ascetics who once lived there. Visitors can also see the remains of an ancient irrigation system, which is said to have been one of the most advanced of its time.

The Ritigala Herbal Mountain
The Ritigala Herbal Mountain

Overall, the Ritigala Mountain Monastery is a truly unique destination, offering a blend of natural beauty, spiritual significance, and historical intrigue. Whether you're looking for a peaceful retreat or a fascinating glimpse into the past, this ancient site is well worth a visit.

Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a curious newcomer, the Ritigala Mountain Monastery is a place that will leave a lasting impression. Its serene beauty and rich history are sure to touch your heart and soul, making it a must-visit for anyone seeking a deeper connection with the world around them.

So, if you're looking for a place to escape the chaos of daily life and reconnect with your inner self, head to the Ritigala Mountain Monastery and experience the peace and serenity of this mystical place for yourself.

Ruins of A Pride History
Ruins of A Pride History