How can we miss a beach evening in an island nation. Although the city is located in a peninsula, there are few numbers of beaches near here. The sea is not rough here. It is very calm like a lake. A salty lake. The best beach which can easily be reached is Kankasanthurai Beach. Quite long name hence, people here has a short nickname ‘KKS’.  You can take a ride by train to reach KKS beach. It is little more far away from the Jaffna. There are nearly 18km from Jaffna to the beach. The sunny weather boosts people to visit and spend more and more time in beaches.

Kankasanathurai Beach
The place is one of the best places to take a bath. There are no waves, sea is quiet, therefore the Kankasanthurai beach is really a safe place for a family trip. Kids can enjoy the sea too. But hey girls, you cannot take a sun bath wearing bikini. It is not prohibited, but it is not normal here. You will get too much attention and maybe some resistance. So, beware of the dress code. Anyhow, you can enjoy the sea by swimming, diving and so. So that is the first day in Jaffna. Watching the sun setting is really enjoyable in any beach as well in Jaffna. What a heart-warming moment in the day. Another day of my life is getting to end. Hope the next day will be better.