This is the second part of the exploring ancient sites of Anuradhapura. If you haven't read the first part click here to visit the article. Without wasting time, let’s have a quick explore through the majestic history of Anuradhapura.

Ruwanweliseya And Jethavanaramaya
Ruwanweliseya And Jethavanaramaya

Vessagiri, is one of most visited ancient ruins in Anuradhapura. The history of this place is longer than 2000 years. This place is an ancient Buddhist Forest monastery which was built by King Devanampiyathissa and later was expanded by King Kasyapa. It was home for over 500 monks in that time. Monks used stone dens as their shelter and the place was well planned and built with every facility. According to the sources, there were hospitals, libraries, shrines and a pond too. Monks had everything they need. Vessagiri was destroyed by the Indian invaders and monks left this fabulous place to save their selves from the invaders.

Stone Dens in Vessagiri
Stone Dens in Vessagiri

Anuradhapura had been the kingdom of the country for over thousand years. But almost all royal palaces were destroyed and now day we can see only ruins. Among them Vijayabahu Royal Palace is considered as one of the most popular ruins among the travelers. The palace was built by King Vijayabahu. According to the people they believe that there were many palaces which were used by different kings, but what remains today are the ruins of palaces of King Vijayabahu. There were 7 floors in the original palace, but only ruins of two floors are remain. The guard stones are more famous than the ruins of the palace. Guard stones are made for the entrance of the palaces. It included with some marvelous stone crafts. If you are interested in history and art this would be a perfect place to visit in Anuradhapura.

Ruins of The Royal Palace
Ruins of The Royal Palace

Beautifully Carved Guard Stones
Beautifully Carved Guard Stones

Gedige Ruins, is located in the northeast of Royal palace of King Vijayabahu. This building has been built from bricks and the history behind the building was vanished. Anyhow the place is worth to visit and has a unique design than the other monuments.

Gedige Ruins
Gedige Ruins
Anuradhapura has a number of ancient Buddhist ruins. But there are some ruins of Hindu kovils too.  The ruins of Shiva Kovil are considered as the most important non-buddhist ancient ruins of Anuradhapura kingdom. The kovil was built for both Hindus and Buddhists and there are two sectors of the Kovil which were dedicated to both Lord Shiva and Vishnu.

Like I mentioned above, Anuradhapura has a rich Buddhist culture. There are number of Buddhist ruins throughout the kingdom. Samadhi Buddha Statue is most iconic and famous statue among them. The statue is tall over than 7 feet and was carved from a single stone. The pose of this Buddha statue is called as Dhyana Mudra, simply it is a statue of posture meditation. Every part of the statue is well carved, and I was astonished by seeing the excellence of the ancient techniques.

Samadhi Buddha Statue
Calmness of Samadhi Buddha Statue