Palmyra Tree

Palmyra tree is kind of precious gift from mother nature. In Jaffna peninsula, you can see palmyra tree in almost every area. Palmyra trees produce a number of benefits to the peninsula people. People made different kind of foods and handmade items using the parts of palmyra tree. In this article let’s have a brief description on the products of palmyra.

Fascinating Palmyra Trees in Jaffna
Fascinating Palmyra Scene In Jaffna

Palmyra Toddy

Toddy means a kind of local alcohol product, that make from palmyra trees. There are some easy steps to make this drink. First step is cutting the edge of the flower of palmyra. Palmyra flower is kinda large flower. So when a flower is blossomed, the toddy maker climb the tree and cuts the edge of the flower and places a pot to gather the juices which are coming out from the cutting flower. Then the gathered juice was being fermented for some particular time (maybe some days). Then you can enjoy the taste of palmyra toddy.

The palmyra toddy has a sweet taste. It is really not recommended for sugar patients. When you pour the drink into a cup, you can see some sparkling toddy in the cup. The smell is amazing and the drink heats the body in a decent manner. It is very cheap and can not buy anywhere. You have to buy toddy from licensed shops only.


Palmyra Jaggery.

Jaggery is made from the juice of the flower. It has a different procedure with comparing toddy. This brown colour sweet has a unique taste and it is used as a major ingredient for a number of tamil foods in Jaffna. A good option for sugar too. Despite the real scientific facts, people in peninsula think that this palmyra jaggery will not be a caused for increasing the sugar level of blood. Hence, people here use jaggery in their day-to-day sweet neediness. The process of making jaggery is little bit complicated. Because of its unique sweetness, Jaffna Palmyra Jaggery has got a special place in market.

Palmyra Juggeries
The sweety sweet

Palmyra sprout

Another use of the palmyra tree is Palmyra sprout. An energetic food which is prepared from the underground sprout of the palmyra tree. Though it has a kind of bitter taste, it is really enjoyable like coffee. It is better to have some strong teeth, because you have to bite the thing vey hard. People use it as an energetic extra food. Roasted, grinded and steamed can be consumed. They make different kind of foods using this odial. A high protein food which can be easily swapped with egg. An extraordinary way of protein for vegans.  


One of most favourite items of palmyra tree is nongu. This is a seasonal food. During May, June and July nongu can be visible everywhere. This is considered as a fruit. Drinking (Or should I say eating) this fruit is not so easy. You should have some special skills in sucking to have this fruit. But the fruit is really tasty, and it can easily throw away the thirstiness too.        

Nongu Friut

Palmyra Handmades

From the other part of palmyra, they make mats, fans, baskets, sculptures etc. Specially the fan and mat are really attractive. And they made a special little kind of cups to pour the palmyra jaggery. Palmyra fan is really simple and a must needing equipment during the tour in Jaffna.