Welcome to Sri Maha Bodiya, a place with a rich history, stunning destinations, and ancient myths and legends. This blog post will take you on a journey through Sri Maha Bodiya, uncovering its past and exploring the sites and stories that make it so special. From ancient ruins to sacred temples, Sri Maha Bodiya is steeped in history and is an unforgettable destination for any traveler. It is time to explore the cultural significance of the region, learn about its various myths and legends, and discover what makes Sri Maha Bodiya such a unique and captivating place.

Sri Maha Bodiya has a long-written history. Some historians date it back to as far as the 5th century BCE. It is believed that this was the site of an earlier Buddhist temple which was then converted into a Hindu temple in the 4th century BCE by King Guhasiva. It is said that this temple served as the royal residence for him and his successors. Historians also claim that it served as a school for Buddhist monks when Buddhism flourished in Sri Lanka from about 200 BCE to 500 CE. There are no archaeological records of evidence to support these theories, but some visitors say they can feel an aura or power emanating from this holy site.

Jaya Shri Maha Bodhiya
Under the shadow of Jaya Sri Maha Bodiya

There are plenty of myths around this place. One that is commonly told by the locals is that one day, a monk named Ananda went to see the Buddha in the temple for darshan (the act of looking upon a revered person). The Buddha granted him his request but there was just one catch- Ananda would not be able to see him if he was sitting down with his back turned to him. He sat patiently waiting until the Buddha got up and walked away from the spot where he was standing before turning around to finally get a good look at his beloved teacher. The moment he looked at the Buddha's face, all traces of any previous thoughts or memories left his mind in an instant as if they had never existed at all. He then exclaimed Oh! I can't remember anything! which led to it being called that way ever since.

You can visit this holy place any time you wish. The gates will not be closed. But the upper part of the Bodiya (in sinhalese Uda Maluwa) is restricted for the security protocol. Only chief priests can get into the upper terrace to do the daily rituals. Once in every three months, the tree is visited by the best Botany scientists in the country to do a checkup to ensure the tree's health. Sri Maha Bodiya is one of most highly visited Buddhist shrine in Sri Lanka.

Greey Boa Leaves
Holy boa leaves

There are some interesting facts on Jaya Sri Maha Bodiya. This is regarded as the tree having the longest written history. The Sri Lanka's 'Maha Wangshaya' which tells the story of the history of the country has mentioned that the Jaya Sri Maha Bodiya was taken to the Sri Lanka by Sangamiththa Theri in 288 BC during the period of King Devanampiyathissa. So nearly It has been 2300 years old. And people believed that the tress was protected by the local Gods. Unfortunately, during the civil war in 1986 the shrine was attacked by a group of terrorists and 146 pilgrims were shot. But the Bodiya did not see any harm or attack. 

You may find this shrine crowded whole year. Every person who visits Anuradhapura, never forget to be here for a moment. People pray for the wellness everywhere in the place. The moment under the shadow of Jaya Sri Maha Bodiya gave me a kind of fantastic feeling. I think I would be blessed too!