Earlier I have described some of my experiences in Jaya Sri Maha Bodhiya ,Ruwanwelisaya , Thuparamaya , Jethawanaramaya, Abhayagiriya, etc. Except the above divine destinations there are some more beautiful and fascinating destinations in Anuradhapura. I must tell this fact that all the above-mentioned destinations are located in Anuradhapura main city. So, this article is about some divine destinations in Anuradhapura.


Mirisawetiya stupa is another gigantic stupa in Sri Lanka. Mirisawetiya was built by King Dutugemunu after he won the war against King Elara. There is a little story around the building of this fantastic stupa. According to the villagers, king Dutugamunu had been a ritual, that before having a food, he dedicated the food to the monks. Anyhow, one day king Gemunu accidently had a chili curry without offering it to the monks. So, he worried so much and about his mistake. As a punishment for his carelessness, he built this dagoba.

Mirisawetiya stupa
Mirisawetiya - The buddhist monument in Anuradhapura

Mirisawetiya is considered as the one of most sacred places in Sri Lanka. The stupa was originally 122 metres in height. But due to the war and other reasons the stupa was destroyed, and the temple was abandoned. In the 19th century the stupa was discovered again and went through some renovations. The process of the renovation was collapsed several times and finally in 1996 the Dagoba was renovated with 59 meters in height and 43 meters in diameter. Despite the all the above facts, Mirisavetiya is still stands fabulously scarping Anuradhapura sky.

Front view of Mirisawetiya
The giant Mirisawetiya


Considering the other stupas like Ruwenwelimahasaya, Jethawanaramaya this is not a gigantic one. Lankaramaya was built by King Walagamba. The history of the stupa is out of the spotlight. Just like the other stupas this stupa was also left to wild and later the dagoba was renovated. A significant fact on this temple this the original structure had a kind of covering house around the stupa which was called as Watadage. Anyhow the watadage was also destroyed but you can see the ruins of the watadageya. The stone pillars are standing straight around the stupa. The diameter of the stupa is 14 meters and 10 meters in height. Among the mammoth stupas, Lankaramaya is not large, but it has a significant place among the Buddhists.

Lankarama Stupa
The Ruins of Vatadageya of Lankaramaya